Question and Reply
Can I change or cancel my order?
Cancellation depends on the order status. If the order status is shown as "working”, the order can still be canceled. To understand all of the different order statuses, please consult the FAQ.
What is the status of my order?
Order statuses are defined as follows:
Received: the order has been successfully received by Reply Shop
In progress: the order has been sent to Reply Shop but not yet picked up
Confirmed: the order has been processed by the Shop and is waiting to be fulfilled
Shipped: the order has been prepared and handed over to the courier for shipment
Can I customize Reply products?
No, Reply products cannot be customized.
Are there any discounts available on Reply products?
When large quantities are needed it is possible to request a discount by contacting shop@reply.it.
Can my order be changed to the company Reply?
Yes, if the order is private, the cost can be included in your expense report and the refund must be approved by your partner. In the case of a business purchase with a credit card, the cost is automatically charged to the company.
When will I receive the invoice for my order?
After the order is issued, the invoice will be automatically sent to your email box.
Which payment methods are accepted?
Reply Shop accepts major credit cards and payments made with PayPal. Business Partners and Delegates can make business orders and payment will be automatically processed by Reply Finance team.
How long will it take for my order to be shipped?
The order will be shipped in two working weeks once the ‘Confirmed’ status is displayed.
Is it possible to delegate a person to pick up my order?
Yes, it is possible to delegate a colleague to pick up your order by sending an email to the reception.
Can i change my delivery address?
Yes, this can be done when the order status is “under processing”. To change the address please contact shop@reply.it.
if the product is damaged, can i replace it?
Yes, please email shop@reply.it attaching a photo and detailed description of the damage. The product will be replaced once the damaged one has been received by Reply Shop in Via Castellanza 11 Milan.